Thursday, June 29, 2006

YIKES!! Prayer please!

Hey guys! Please pray for my friend!!! She got kicked in the stomach/ribs by her horse!! She is in the hospital right now. She has fluid in her stomach and they are keeping her over night to watch it. But if all goes well, she gets to go home tomorrow! Please pray that God heals her quickly!! Wow, I love her so much! She's like a real sister to me! Yet, I didn't realize how much she means to me or how deeply my love for her ran, until today. When I got that heart stopping phone call. Pray for her horse too, that she won't totally kill it when she gets better :) (I love you tack! ) Wow, what a day. Well, I better get to packin'! Next time you hear from me, I'll probably be in New York. (Hopefully!)

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