Thursday, January 19, 2006

Hey guys guess what. I had a very interesting day! For the second time I got thrown from a horse. The firt I don't count because I was riding bareback, jumping and the horse jumped to soon throwing me off balance. I was falling off so I just swung down off his neck and landed on my feet. No biggie. Then today, I was riding Jake. A 2 yr old. So he was doing GREAT! I mean better than before. So Then right as I was cantering around be the gate, (he was doing great) he just (and I swear he did this on purpose to test me because he would do it to his owner) Well, he just up and started bucking and rearing. Well, If you've ever seen a wild rodeo horse bucking and rearing well that's what Jake started to do. I was hanging on quite well until he twisted his head down, and all four feet came off the ground. He then proceded to buck as high as his rear end would go and I ( I really don't remember this, but Laloni who saw it told me) I went flying over his neck. I did a full somersault over his neck and landed on my butt. It was quite humiliating! I'm glad that only Laloni and Michelle saw it. Well, that was my day:) Luv yall!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

LOVE! NUUUU! *huggle* Are you okay???