Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Hm...Wow, God is really cool! He just is. I've been thinking about what I want to do after college. Or before...
I really really want to work with kids. That has become perfectly clear. I'm possibly thinking about being a counciler for kids. Like 8-junior high girls. The Lord has been putting a lot of younger gilrs in my life who really need a friend. I'm not going to go into why for privacy reasons, but it's been a roller coaster that's for sure! I'm still considering entering the Coast Guard. (Don't tell my parents though. They WANT me to join to help pay for college and stuff. That's the only one I actually have 100% support on. I've also considered Air Force, but I don't think that idea will live much longer. I'de much rather perfer the Coast Guard. Any way...that's been my life lately. Well, i gotta go. Be blessed ya'll!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I'm not letting you go ANYWHERE.