Sunday, December 18, 2005

More random stuff

Here's some more random pointless facts about me: I've had only like 3 crushes in my ENTIRE life. No, I won't tell you who, except for 1: Leonardo Decaprio. How random is that? Now, I can't even stand the guy. I liked him in, I think, the 4th grade. I don't have a boyfriend. Hmm..even if I did, I don't think I'd bring him to my family's Christmas. They'd probably scare him away :P To all my older cousins: You are so brave! Well, maybe that should go more to their boyfriends. :)


Kathryn said...

You'd BETTER not have a boyfriend! Not without telling /me/!! XP

untamed said...

No,no boyfriend. But that doesn't stop me from having a crush:P